I noticed an article about the new app, Secret, while I was reading the New York Times over breakfast yesterday. This app promotes sharing our unfiltered anonymous thoughts with "friends" from our address book. Hmm. If they are really our friends, won't they detect who wrote these "anonymous" thoughts? Let's take a look at this hot new app that has been on the market for 2 months. I am curious what you think.
- iphone, ipad, or ipod touch compatibility
- requires 7.0 iOS
- 8.4 MB
- Version 2.6.1
- Option to share it on twitter, email, or Facebook
- optimization options with pictures and colors
- user-friendly
- free
- attractive icon
- nice optimization options
- It does not seem bully-proof or child-safe--What is going to stop a child from anonymously spreading gossip all over this new app. Facebook has been destructive for kids, this is potentially worse.
- Seems like a waste of time. Has anyone ever heard of a journal? That's where your random thoughts belong.
- Everyone in my iphone contacts list with a "Secret" account has access to posts.
Verdict: I love innovative new apps, but why would I subscribe to a program that let's me access your anonymous random thoughts--from cats dying to your disgust of your new boss in the IT department? Moreover, wasn't social media invented for socializing via the internet? If this app keeps our identity anonymous, we are hardly connecting. Bottom line: This is a bad idea.
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